It has been over a month since I last posted, and for that apologize! I've been outdoors, enjoying the sweet Summer sun...but alas, Summer is coming to an end soon and I've got that itch to start blogging again :)
I've had some issues with my browser on the Mac, and am now having to use Firefox. For some strange reason, my blog looks really funky while using Firefox, and it's driving me crazy. I don't know how to fix it, I've cleared the cache, cleared cookies, and everything...and still it looks funky. So, I'm going to just clear everything out and get my blog back to normal!
I have tons of pictures to show you guys, and big updates on Bree, her 2 growth spurts in the last 2 months, and how we can now officially hold a conversation together! She's going to be 3 years old in September, and like this Summer has been...things are going too fast!
I am officially a P90X graduate! I have to show you my pictures for that too! I am starting another round when we get back from vacation in August and I cannot wait! I took a week break from exercise last week, and let me tell you...the last two days have been kinda rough as far as exercise goes! I did my first Ab Ripper in 2 weeks today, and holy burning abs Batman! It's amazing though.
Can't wait to catch up with all of you guys soon! And if you have any suggestions on how I can get my blog to look normal on Firefox, please, I'm open for suggestions!