Monday, July 20, 2009

Yard Sales & Photo Shoots...

I was a busy bee this past weekend. My Mom and I ventured out Saturday morning to visit some Yard Sales. I was looking for specific things, which I've decided is not the smartest thing to do when going Yard Sale-ing. Why? Because you get pretty frustrated when you've gone to a dozen different places and have left empty handed. It made me wonder why in the world I got up so early for these pathetic yard sales. I did have fun though, and I did find a few things.
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I paid 5 bucks for the chair. I bought it for Bree's room. I'm going to spray paint it green, find a cushion, and put it in her room. The green vase is also for Bree's room, and then the picture hanger is for mine & the hubby's room. I was on the hunt for some antique windows, and a rug, but had no such luck. Oh well. Maybe next time.

The biggest part of my day was my very first photo shoot. A woman we used to go to church with had seen my pictures of Bree that I had taken, on my Facebook. After seeing that I was doing a wedding in August, she wanted to know if I would take pictures of her foster kids. I said that I definitely would! I had never taken any pictures of anyone else's children, so I didn't know how they would turn out and I was very, very nervous. Once I got going though, the nervousness eased and I was able to have alot of fun! Here are some of my favorites:
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What do you think about the shots? I think it went pretty well to be my first, and I can't wait to do more!

How was everyone else's weekend? Yesterday and Today have been pretty crappy for me, but I'm praying that tomorrow will be different. It all depends on my doctor and whether or not he decides to go ahead and refill that prescription I called in a week ago. I'm intentionally called a week ahead of time to have my prescription refilled, and still no meds. If I don't have it in my hand tomorrow...I'm cussing someone out. It's the wrong week to mess with me.


MrsM said...

Good finds! Though I would never put a vase of any kind in the kid's rooms. It would be destroyed in a nano second, and then the pieces promptly choked on/embedded into their scalps. My kids are monsters sometimes! LoL.

Sorry you've been having a rough couple of days-it must be going around! Hope your days start to look up :)

Mother Mayhem said...

The best thing about yard sales is when you find something you didn't know you were looking for! :o)

The pictures are great! Love the chubby cheeks and legs!

Samantha said...

The vase will mostly like go on her dresser, away from her reach :) Bree can be a monster most of the time too!

& I loved the little chubby cheeks and legs too! The little girl was younger than Bree, and so much bigger! Bree is so