Monday, February 01, 2010

Our Icy Weekend...

On a whim Saturday morning, we decided we were going to test the roads and head to my Parent's house. It was absolutely not fair at all for everyone else to have gotten 4 to 5 inches of snow, and all we had was some snowman snot (see previous post). So we all got bundled up (because it was like 20 degrees outside), hopped in the car and headed 30 minutes down the road to my Parent's house. As we drove, we watched our roads go from having absolutely nothing on them, to 3 feet of snow on the side of the road. It is amazing how much a little distance can make, and how strange weather is. We managed to get to my Parent's neighborhood without sliding off the road or having any major problems, but the road that goes down in front of my Parent's house turned out to be the real problem.

As we turned onto their road, I immediately knew that this was going to be an issue. The entire road was just one big sheet of ice, and it was downhill, and we were going to have to make a semi-sharp left hand turn into their driveway when clearly...the ice was going to slide us any which way it wanted to. We crept down the hill in my little 2 door Honda Civic. The anti-lock brakes started making this horrible sound, the back end came around on us, and I started screaming. Of course, Paul thinks this is he's laughing. I'm not. All I could think is that we would end up in the neighbor's living room or something somehow. I'm not sure how Paul did it, but we got into the driveway, safe & sound, without any sign of any struggle whatsoever.

Once settled in at my Parent's house, we gobbled down some lunch and then took Bree outside to play. Now, the snow was caked in the middle of some major ice. We couldn't build a snowman or anything like that, but we did pull out Bree's little kiddie swimming pool and go sledding.

Note to reader: In the South, we don't find it necessary to have real sleds, because it never does this. So we just use things like garbage can lids and swimming pools to sled with.

Anyway, here are some pictures from our day in the snow ice:
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We ended up spending the night with my Parents that night, because the roads iced back up pretty quickly. It was fun. I gained 5 pounds eating home made chocolate & peanut butter cookies, drinking hot chocolate, and eating a nice warm meal of roast & potatoes. When we got up the next morning, the ice began melting quickly. The sun was out and the temperature got up to 42 degrees, 20 degrees higher than the day before. I was quick to go out and take some pictures before it all melted away. Bree and I went exploring in the back yard:
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Anyway, we're supposed to get more of this snow and ice tomorrow and then again for the weekend. I'm not betting on anything just yet.

In other news, I still haven't gotten a letter from my Brother. It's starting to piss me off now, because his girlfriend got one Thursday, but neither my Parents or I have received one. Looks like he could do a little bit better than that. Another guy in his platoon, and who my brother recruited to go with him, has been writing letters every day to his family. So...what's up lil' bro? Where's my letter?!

How was your weekend? Did you get snow and ice?

*If you haven't submitted your questions to me for my Blogaversary, DON'T FORGET to do so!! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, or you are new to my here to find out how you can help me celebrate my Blogaversary!!*

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Beth P. said...

What wonderful winter pictures! We haven't had much bad weather other than cold cold temps and a lot of wind around here. I'm excited because tomorrow it's supposed to hit the mid-30's! Yipee! Haha.

I'm glad you were able to get some sledding in with Bree, I hope she had fun!

MrsM said...

I personally hate snow, and that's why I love living in the PacificNW. We got a dusting of snow for about 12 hours earlier this year and other than that it's been in the high 40s-low 50s every day.

Your pictures are very adorable though, and I'm glad you guys had fun!

Katherine said...

Wow...Those pictures are great. Looks like you guys had fun! We once had a spin around incident in our old 2-door Honda. They don't do all that great on snowy ice!

My husband told me that when he was in the military, they'd play mind games and hold back letters. I hope you hear from him soon!


this is the 2nd southern blog i read about your love affair with snow

as my son said yesterday - i wish we lived in florida

i said if we did we would never appreciate summer

so i guess if i want to appreciate winter ie snow i need to move south

freezing my crack off in cleveland

Brandy@YDK said...

what a blast! we didn't do any sledding. I can't wait til G is older and enjoys the snow

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Looks like it was fun:) We also had about an inch and a half of ice on top of seven inches of snow. It was not fun to play in at all.There is something delightful about hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day...

Liz Mays said...

It looks like fun to go sliding on that ice!!!

Working Mommy said...

Nothing like making a sled out of a pool :) Looks like you all had fun!