Um, who decided to let a stupid little Groundhog decide how many more weeks of Winter we will have? Why hasn't anyone thought about shooting that little vermin yet? (totally kidding)
I made the coffee a little strong this morning. You know how you try to use the last bit of coffee grounds, but you just can't muster out enough at the bottom of the canister to make a pot of coffee? So then, you have to open up another bag coffee. By the time you get it open, you have already forgotten how many scoops you have already put into the coffee pot. So you just add 2 more BIG scoops, and pray for the best. Well, my best this morning was a pot of EXTRA! STRONG! COFFEE!
I have decided that today is going to be a lazy day for me. I got all of my house work done yesterday, and I just have a wee bit of laundry to do today. I allowed myself to sleep in until 10 this morning. That was nice. Hey, it's a rainy day out...what else am I supposed to do?
So, do you remember back in August when I was the photographer for this girl's wedding, and I really didn't want to do it, but she practically begged me to and so I said I would. I put my entire vacation back like 12 hours for this girl's stupid wedding. Anyway, when she got the pictures back in September, she wanted all of her money back because she said the pictures were not "professional". Whatever. Anyway, that was a big thing. Last night, out of the blue, I dreamed I beat her in the face with a soup can. Wow. Good times.
Am I the only one who chases that last bit of cereal around the bowl for what seems like hours until I finally capture it in my spoon?
I love my Clarks Wallabees! The comfort is ah-mazing!
Oh, and I've gotten a couple of awards over the course of the last couple of weeks! I've been kind of slack at posting these. I don't have a good excuse or anything though. Sorry.
The first one I got was from the very funny Ian over at The Daily Dose of Reality. He gave me the Chuck Norris Stamp of Approval! How honored I am that Chuck Norris digs my blog [insert Chuck Norris joke here].

The second award that I got came from Lisa Marie, from The Domestication of a Party Girl. Her blog is all new to me, and I absolutely love it! Anyway, she gave me the Kick Ass Blogger award!

1. Katherine from Another Day, Another Moment
2. Salt from Salt Says
3. Amanda from Serenity Now - A Mommy's Solution to Staying Sane
4. Shell from Things I Can't Say
5. Kiera from Imperfect Daisies
And on one last note, I love getting comments from you all! But I love responding to them even more! Lately though, a few of you have commented, and I haven't been able to respond back because there is not an email address for me to respond to. It just says "". Please oh please fix this!! I would love so much to be able to respond to each and every one of you that comments! For Blogger people, just click Show My Email Address box under your profile settings. I do have a few Word Press users who I am not able to reply back to either because of this situation, so if you're on Word Press and you comment to my blog, but don't hear anything back from me...please, please get this situation checked out! You all have such wonderful comments, and I feel like I'm neglecting you if I can't comment back! Plus, I have so much to say!
*If you haven't submitted your questions to me for my Blogaversary, DON'T FORGET to do so!! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, or you are new to my here to find out how you can help me celebrate my Blogaversary!!*

There is so much to address here that I don't even know where to start!
Firstly...THANK YOU for the loverly award! I adore it and your blog and I am so happy to have found you on the internets. :)
Secondly...I have been asking myself about that stupid groundhog for years. It's not as if him seeing his shadow is going to make a difference in how long winter is. He's worthless. WORTHLESS!!!
Thirdly...I have Wallabees and I LOVE them. So comfortable.
And fourthly...The soup can thing made me laugh which probably means I am a terrible person. And that girl sounds like she pretty much sucks.
Three things.
SALT RULES, SHE RULES!!! And she's from MD and a huge Ravens fan. 'nuff said.
Strong coffee RULES! The more bold the better!
Finally...thanks for going along with my mantra of making your own rules. Screw following these dumb rules. It's your blog, do what you want! :)
Oh and one more thing
YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE your Chuck Norris endorsement. My hubs and I love to trade Walker Texas Ranger jokes.
Wow, a soup can? That is very Chuck Norris-y.
And I cracked up when you said you refused to use the purple blog button because it clashed. You take coordinating very seriously!
Confessions From A Working Mom
I'm cracking up at you hitting someone in the face with a soup can! Sounds like she would deserve it, though!
Thanks for the award! :)
soup can beatings--that's a new one. i usually dream of drop kicking someone.
congrats on your awards!
Phil isn't that bright, I don't think. I say we boycott! ;)
I missed the letter from your brother post, somehow! What a great day! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Congrats on the awards! Chuck Norris rocks! ;)
I think you should have Chuck Norris kick the ground hog's ass:)
hehe...just sayin!
Okay Samantha, I laughed so hard at the incident with the soup can in your dream. You must have some anger issues lol! yes, that would piss me off though about the photos.
Congratulations to you on receiving those awards! You deserve them!
Glad to be back but haven't had a chance to photo the house for this week. Maybe by next Wednesday I'll have some orbs for you Lol!
I am glad I could make ya smile!
I think I may make some groundhog stew bc I don't think I can take 6 more weeks of winter! I love that you changed the "rules" for this! Genius:)
Thank you. :) I totally ditto your suggestion for the email/Blogger thing. Drives me nuts!!
HEYYYYYY! thank you for the award! i'm so thrilled! sorry i haven't responded sooner- im just getting back in to the blog swing of things now!
and im so jealous that you thought of and used very! strong! coffee! its hillarious. (is that waht you said? i dont remember anymore, but i know it was hillarious)
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