Is Spring really here?
Is it really, really true?!
[Insert dance music here]
Today, in the South, our high for the day is not 30 degrees, not 40 degrees, not even 60 degrees! It is going to be 70 degrees today! That's 10 away from 80! That's 10 away from a bathing suit, and a pool chair! That's 10 away from Summertime, and everyone knows that Summer is MY season. It's when I bloom. It's when I smile, and laugh. It's when I am the absolute happiest girl a girl could be!
It's been a long, cold Winter...and I hope it has moved on to some other hemisphere. It's time for flip flops, and sun tans. It's time for short shorts, and tank tops. It's time for sand, beach, and a big wide open ocean.
Goodbye Old Man Winter, Hellllooooo Mr. Spring & Summer.
Haha! I felt the same way about it being in the upper 50's here yesterday! That is seriously like a heat wave for us.
Signs of spring - I'm so excited!
Okay, so we had 60s here. It was warm enough to sit on the deck, though, which was super nice. And we took Ethan to the park twice!
As I told my husband, though, our average last freeze is in April, so I'm not holding my breath. It's a nice teaser of what's to come, though.
I won't miss driving in snow and dealing with ice and I do enjoy throwing on my flip-flops. We're heading to Florida next month, it's probably going to be super hot by then. Ha ha
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
I hope you are lucky enough to live close to said sandy beach and ocean!
Mid 50s here today...HELL YEAH!
Yay! I'm so excited!
Love your new spring look!
It was in the 60s this weekend here. I think it's spposed to be in the 50s this week. I'll take it!!! I LOVE your Spring design!
I know it is supposed to be in the 60's today but would you believe we still have places with SNOW on.. I mean hillsides where it is laying in the sun and still hanging on..
AMEN! We are having the same type of day (weekend, too, actually!) here. I LOVE IT! I hope we don't see a reprise of winter, though; I'm always nervous!
You made me laugh about your nap comment on my blog-- I know, I wish napping every day for 2-3 hours was STILL acceptable!
Confessions From A Working Mom
I'm trying to not get too overly excited about this just in case it's a fluke, but we have 60 degrees and TONS of sunshine here today and it's supposed to be even warmer at the end of the week!
*fingers crossed*
We deserve it after all Mother Nature has put us through!
WHat a fantiastic day! I hope you 2 are enjoying it :-) Have fun!!
Today in Nashville (my home) it was 60 degrees!!! I was so happy:) We went to the park and then I planted a few herbs outside... I hope not too prematurely. I hope it's here to stay
We had a high of 60 today. It was really nice!! :)
I hope you didn't jinx it!
But yes! It seems that way here too! Let's hope it stays!
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