Monday, March 08, 2010

A Secret Revealed!

For a little over a month now, me and a few of your other favorite bloggers have been holding back a secret, and today...I can finally tell you all about it!

Elizabeth of Confessions of a Working Mom & Tamara from The (Un)Experienced Mom put their heads together and came up with this brilliant idea about a blog...for everyone! Made up of a dozen other bloggers, including myself, this blog will bring you blog carnivals, memes, fundraisers, and more!

Each day will bring you a different post, from a different blogger on a different topic. It's a great place to meet new friends, get involved, and socialize! Besides, we're celebrating the grand opening with a Giveaway! So click on the button below, and get in on all of the fun at the new hot spot in the bloggy world, Our Mommyhood [dot] Com.

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Unknown said...

Joined the site yesterday, love the idea.

Brandy@YDK said...

that's so exciting. i'll have to get my happy tail over there.

Liz Mays said...

Congratulations, so much fun!!!

Pandorah's Box said...

That is so awesome! I am now a follower over there!

Have fun with it!