Friday, September 25, 2009

Making some extra cash...

We need extra cash. Period. Money is low, Fall is coming, and I need new clothes (yes, I love clothes). Out of the blue, this lady that I met through Facebook said that she sells Tupperware, and would love to get together with me and discuss the possibilities of me also selling Tupperware. So, last night me, my Mom, and this lady met at this little diner and discussed Tupperware.

I was very excited when she said that at her first show last week, she made 400 dollars. Of course most of that went towards her getting the kit so that she could start having her own parties. Every party after that, she makes 20 percent of however much was bought. So, I mean, it's not the jackpot, but it's extra cash. All the extra cash I need :)

Plus, I have 2 scheduled photograpy gigs coming up in October and November. Doesn't sound like much, but it's more, extra cash. This day in age, extra cash, whether it be 20, 30 or 40 extra cash. Every least bit helps. Unless of course, you have a hubby that spends 80 dollars in four days and has nothing to show for it. How does he do that you ask? 3 dollars on cigarettes, 3 dollars on a can of dip, 2 dollars on a 20 oz drink, and another dollar fifty on a candy bar, bag of chips, or whatever snack he may be wanting. Yeah. We're not talking at the moment.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with the normal marital issues, although, it is usually the woman who spends too much money. In my case, it's the hubs, and he doesn't spend money on anything of significance. So, whatever money I make from Tupperware or my photography, is mine. I am not sharing, because I get stuck here without any money to spend EVER, because the Hubs doesn't know how NOT to spend money on useless things like candy bars, sodas, and dip. Cigarettes are useless too, but have you ever tried to get a smoker to quit? It's not that easy.

I need a punching bag, because I am not a very happy camper today. Oh well, happy Friday everyone & have a GREAT weekend!


Becky said...

You make money doing photography! Oh wow...I am so jealous and in awe!! That is my dream and wonderful!!!

I hope the tupperware thing works out. I think the biggest part is having enough connections of people to invite to the parties to BUY! Good luck!!!!

Samantha said...

I've just now started. I did a wedding at the beginning of August, and one other for a ladies two kids. People just started asking me out of the blue, and so I decided I would do it. Everyone loves my pictures of Bree and other things that I have on Facebook, so that provoked them to ask me if I would do pictures for them. It is pretty exciting, because I absolutely love it. With the money I got from the wedding I did, I bought me a new Canon Rebel. Now saving up for extra things for the camera :)

I do know ALOT of people for the Tupperware parties. That was the only reason I was even remotely interested. Being 21 years old, people think I have alot of younger friends, but mostly I am friends with alot of my Parent's friends. So, they would of course buy Tupperware! So, I'm pretty excited :)

Nikki, from Sittin' Pretty said...

I was a Tware consultant. I LOVE tware. I think I have just about everything you can get except the cookware. I don't do it anymore but I love the parties! I have TONS of tware recipes. Some of them will get posted on my blog. Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know I've changed my blog address. It was I've changed it to..
You may need to refollow if you don't mind. : )

Have a great weekend and good luck with the Tware!