Friday, March 26, 2010

Photography: How I Got Started

Have you ever wondered how I got my start in photography? No? Well, I'm going to tell you about it anyway. On Tuesday, Lisa Marie from The Domestication of a Party Girl, tagged me in a photo game. I rarely do these types of games, but I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you the story of how I got into photography...whether you want to hear it or not.

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Bree at about six months old

I never really knew that there was anything special about the pictures I took. I was just a stay-at-home-Mom who enjoyed taking pictures of her infant. So when I started posting pictures of baby B on my Facebook page, I was surprised when people began commenting on how good my photos were. I always replied with a 'thank you', and continued posting more pictures; not really thinking much else about it. That is, until people started asking me to take pictures for them, and offering to pay me to do so.

I had always enjoyed looking at photography. I would rent library books full of photos from professional photographers, and just study the pictures; marvel at them, and wish that I would be able to take pictures like that one day. Once my pictures started getting recognition by others, I realized that perhaps I did have something. I had a natural talent that I never knew I possessed. So, I started pursuing photography by practicing more, and striving to become better.

Now, photography has become a hobby of mine. I don't claim to be a pro, but I definitely have dreams of maybe one day becoming one. When and if that day does come, I can safely say that I got my start on my living room floor taking pictures of baby B.

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Melissa said...

Sweetness! And that is an adorable picture!

Brandy@YDK said...

that's awesome. thanks for sharing. I finally got a fancy camera - now I just gotta figure out how to actually use it.

Ian said...

Nice post and thanks for plugging...err mentioning Lisa Marie! :)

Ally said...

I think that's true for a lot of parents. You're really good at it too. A real natural!

Beautiful photo and child by the way!

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Pandorah's Box said...

You definitely have a raw talent for it my friend! Keep practising and when you are ready you will be a pro no problem!
