Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's all Junk...

PhotobucketI was craving a pizza and movie night for the hubby and I last night. We hadn't had a Friday night where we could just sit at home in quiet a while, so I was definitely going to take advantage of it. So, around 7:30 we went and picked up our pizza and rented "The Yes Man". I hadn't had pizza in so long, my mouth was practically over flowing with drool. It smelled so good. Pizza is one of those foods that I could eat every day of my life and never get sick of it. When we got home, I made my plate and poured me a glass of Pepsi. That was my first mistake.

Nearly five years ago, I made the decision to drink strictly, that good ol' H2O. It is probably the best decision I have ever made in my life, but on the occasion that I want a soft drink, I always get sick. I didn't even have a whole glass of Pepsi. It wasn't much at all actually, but the impact it had on my body was nearly unbearable. My stomach felt like was about to explode, and I could feel the headache I usually get when I have a soft drink begin. After eating the pizza (which was the most fattening & greasiest thing I had in two weeks), I felt horrible. I just knew that I had ruined our night.

I made myself a cup of water, and it wasn't too long after I began drinking it...I started to feel better. I guess the water settled my stomach, and pushed the headache away. It was then that I began to wonder how in the world people can drink soft drinks and eat fattening food like pizza all of the time? The first best thing that I ever did for myself was switch to drinking nothing but water. The second best thing that I ever did for myself, was switching over to whole wheat bread, and healthier food. I'm not sure how I lived before doing those two things.


Mother Mayhem said...

Maybe go for the whole wheat pizza crust next time? I'm trying to give up Pepsi. SIGH.

Mother Mayhem said...

And it's not the caffeine I'm addicted to either. I drink de-caf!

Samantha said...

We get a Hot N Ready from Little Caesars, because they are only 5 dollars :D It's a good pizza, and a good deal. I think the reason I felt so bad was just because my body is not used to soft drinks. I love water. Once you switch over to water, you don't want anything else to drink.