Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday - 5 Things

I was missing you all pretty bad, so I shortened my bloggy vacay. It's Tuesday, so that means it's time for Post It Note Tuesday hosted by Supah! If you want to join in on all of the fun, just hop on over to her place to get started!

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Ian said...

I am so glad that I have NO IDEA who this Justin whatever the heck his name is.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you have to do this appointment. It sounds like you'd so rather be doing something else. :) Good luck with it though and I hope it's over quickly.

Spice said...

Hope your doctors appointment goes smoothly today!!!!

Salt said...

EW JUSTIN BIEBER!!! Hahahaha this is hilarious.
I'm so glad you're back!

Brandy@YDK said...

it will be better when it's over. just grin and bear it.

Katherine said...

Justin Bieber makes me want to hurt someone.

It'll be over before you know it and then you'll have a whole other year to obsess over it...the evils of being a girl!

Amethystmoon said...

It must be me, but for some reason I can't view any of your images which I'm sure are great! I'll try again later.

Ali said...

Oooo, you really do not want to go to the Dr., hope all goes well.

Tracie Nall said...

That last one was an exaggeration.....Lol!

I have worked very hard to never hear Justin Bieber sing.....I plan on keeping it up too!

Lori said...

I think I'd rather have winter every day than most of those other ones - sorry you have to go!

Kitty Moore said...

I'd have thought the first one was an exaggeration too!

Melissa said...

That was a short vacation Samantha. Do you feel rejuvinated? I hope so!

What kind of doctor's appointment is it? Is it the dentist? I hate the dentist!

I hope it went well!...

Mama Sammi said...

Hope it goes or went well!! I'll second all five of them too!!

Shell said...

Hope everything went well with your appointment!

jayayceeblog said...

Note to self: find out who Justin Bieber is! Doctor's appointments are always such a treat!