Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pour Your Heart Out - Irritating FB Friends

It's Pour Your Heart Out Wednesday, and I am linking up with Shell from Things I Can't Say. Feel free to join in!

I love the majority of my Facebook friends. Really, I do. I love being able to keep up with family members that I never get to see, and friends from long ago. I love keeping up with the people I go to church with, and even keeping up with my own Parents! However, there are a couple of friends that I have on Facebook that I would LOVE to delete from my friends list. Some of them I have deleted, and they keep coming back like an itchy rash. It's no secret that people generally get on my nerves, but these people really, really get on my nerves. Like really.

What kind of people am I talking about?

The Status Stealer
Status Stealers are the people who will take my status, and use it as their own. They usually try to disguise their stealing duplication, by changing a few of the words around & adding a smiley face at the end. You're not fooling me. Isn't this called Plagiarism?

The Profile Creeper
Profile Creepers are the people who stalk my pictures, and profile without leaving any comments, but the next time I am talking to them in person they say something like, "...yeah I saw that on your FB" Really? Stop being a creeper, and let me know you're looking at my stuff!

The Friend Stealer
I know it's a small world, and a lot of people know a lot of the same people, but when it looks like you are going straight down my list of friends and befriending all of them...I get a little annoyed. There is no way that you could possibly know each and every one of my FB friends. You know my cousin from California? Really? Didn't think so. Stop being a friend whore.

The Stupid Comment Friend
The Stupid Comment friend generally leaves a comment on my pictures or status updates that is just so stupid it makes me mad. These people usually try to be funny without succeeding, don't understand my humor and get all serious on me, or leave a comment that is just so incredibly stupid that I can't even reply to it. In fact, if I don't reply to your comment on Facebook, it's probably because what you said was too stupid to even acknowledge.

The Bad Grammar Friend
The Bad Grammar Friend is the one who I thought just made a typo, but find out that they really just don't know how to spell or write correctly. For instance, I have this friend on Facebook who must not know that there is a "d" on the end of "and". Heck, they might not even know that "an" & "and" are not the same words. Either way, it's really annoying.

The One Who Asks the Stupid Questions
My teachers always tried to teach us that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Well, I beg to differ. The Facebook friends that asks the stupid questions, generally leave a question for me to answer on my wall. A question that they could have easily just Googled themselves. Instead, I have to come up with a polite way to call these people stupid, or lazy; completely inconveniencing my day. For Pete's (whoever that is) sake, download a Google search bar to your browser window and ask it all of the questions that your little heart is dying to know!

What type of 'friends' annoy you on Facebook?

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday!

Yay! It's time for Post It Note Tuesday! I'm linking up with Supah Mommy, so join in if you'd like!

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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Monday Minute

It's time for the Monday Minute, and once again I am linking up with Ian! Feel free to join in by heading over to Ian's place. Just copy the questions, link up and have fun!

Monday Minute

1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging, because I thought it would be fun to have a place dedicated to my writing and ranting.
2. Name a blogger & list their URL , whom you think deserves special attention for whatever reason you choose.
I have so many bloggy friends that I could list here, but I think I am going to list The Girl Next Door Grows Up, because she sent me a package full of the most wonderful goodies! Especially these delicious white chocolate pretzels that I am enjoying at the moment. You rock lady & so do these esquisit pretzels! Thank you for your unbelievable kindness.
3. Name one of your heroes, someone you know or knew, in your life.
My Daddy is my hero. He's the best. Really. He makes me laugh, I learn a lot from him, and I know he would do anything for me. When he looks at me, he looks at me with an unconditional type of love that a Father feels for his daughter. It's amazingly comforting. Friday night when I found out Mercy (my dog) had drowned, my Daddy was able to calm me down without really having to say a word. I count myself very fortunate to have a Daddy who loves like mine loves me.
4. Whose feet smell worse, yours or mine?
Well, at the moment, my feet don't stink. So, I'm assuming yours?
5. Which TV show's setting would you most like to live in?
Remember the show The O.C? I would have absolutely, positively LOVED to have lived in that show, in the O.C, with those people. Also, I wouldn't mind being a Desperate Housewife either. Me and Gabby, we'd be B.F.F's.

In case you missed my post Saturday night, my weekend started with my dog drowning. Mercy was our first little family dog, that we have had since I was 11 years old. My Daddy buried her Saturday afternoon, and we have all been a little sad this weekend. Life just feels a little bit different without Mercy being here. I miss her...more than I ever thought I could miss a dog. I don't know if there is a doggy heaven, but I'm sure that if there were...Mercy has already kicked the 'god of dogs' off of his throne, and taken over herself. I'll smile when I think of her, and I'll never forget her.

"The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow." - Bob Marley

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Goodbye Mercy...

We had just moved into the parsonage of the church that my Dad was Pastor of. A man in the church had given us a full blooded Black Lab I guess as a sort of "welcome to the neighborhood" kind of gesture. My baby brother was three or four years old at the time, and way too small to be able to have any type of fun with the Black Lab, named Spirit. If anyone has seen a Black Lab in person, you would know that even as a young puppy, these dogs are huge. One day after being playfully tackled by Spirit, my baby brother looked up at my Mom and said, "I don't wanna big dog. I wanna little dog!". Not even a day later, a couple of stray dogs wandered into our yard. One was a small dog, and the other was a medium sized red dog. We had mercy on the little dog, and took her in.

That's how she got the name Mercy.

Mercy was a little Pekingese. She was bossy, sassy, and full of personality. She slept with me in my room at night, and snored so loudly that I may or may not have thrown a couple of pillows at her. Mercy became a part of our family very quick. We all loved her. We loved her so much that one Winter, she got out of the fence and ran full speed up the road. My brother and I chased after her for 30 minutes in a foot of snow, trying to get her back. She had fun making us chase her that day. How do I know? Because when we got her back in the house, I swear that I saw a faint smile on her face. Mercy was our little dog. Our first family dog.

Over the last 10 years, Mercy has gotten old. She lost her sight nearly a year ago, and had since been experiencing digestion problems. We had been expecting to her go soon, whether she died peacefully in her sleep or by being put to sleep.

Last night, my baby brother called me to tell me that Mercy had died, but she hadn't died in the peaceful way that we had all hoped for. She had fallen into the pool of my Parent's back yard, and drowned. Since Mercy had lost her eye sight, my Parents had put lounge chairs across the entrance of the deck, to keep Mercy from falling into the pool and drowning. This little redneck method had worked until today, when the wind was gusting at 10 to 15 miles per hour. The chairs blew over, and Mercy got lost.

I want to believe that she committed suicide; that she was tired of being old, and blind...and she just jumped in...ready to end it all.

But I'm pretty sure it didn't happen that way.

This weekend, I have been sad. A family member has died. I'll never hear her annoying snores again, or her yappy little bark. I'll never get to pet her little head, and smell her horrible doggy breath.

People who have never had dogs or a pet for that matter, could never understand how painful it is to lose a pet. This is the first time I have ever lost a pet, and I tell's almost as bad as losing a human family member.

Goodbye Mercy. I've loved you since the very first day you walked into our yard. I'll never forget you, and the joy you brought to our family. We could never replace you, and we will never try to replace you. I know that you'll live on in our hearts and minds. I love you Mercy...and I am going to miss you more than anyone could ever imagine.

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Please do not point out the ironic-ness of this picture. I know that had she had a float, she would not have drowned. I also know that this picture reflects her personality in so many ways. A personality that I will miss way too much.
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This was taken just last month, during one of our big snows. Probably the last picture I ever took of her

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Today, I am discouraged.

I'm discouraged about a lot of things.

Like this blog for instance...

...and I really shouldn't have eaten that shortbread cookie.

I'm not sure why I'm so discouraged.

Just a lot of things have gone wrong.

...and a recurring nightmare that I seem to have three or four times a week.

I seriously shouldn't have had those two white chocolate pretzels.

I do wish the sun was out, and perhaps a little warmer.

I wish that I could find my blogger identity.

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Photography: How I Got Started

Have you ever wondered how I got my start in photography? No? Well, I'm going to tell you about it anyway. On Tuesday, Lisa Marie from The Domestication of a Party Girl, tagged me in a photo game. I rarely do these types of games, but I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you the story of how I got into photography...whether you want to hear it or not.

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Bree at about six months old

I never really knew that there was anything special about the pictures I took. I was just a stay-at-home-Mom who enjoyed taking pictures of her infant. So when I started posting pictures of baby B on my Facebook page, I was surprised when people began commenting on how good my photos were. I always replied with a 'thank you', and continued posting more pictures; not really thinking much else about it. That is, until people started asking me to take pictures for them, and offering to pay me to do so.

I had always enjoyed looking at photography. I would rent library books full of photos from professional photographers, and just study the pictures; marvel at them, and wish that I would be able to take pictures like that one day. Once my pictures started getting recognition by others, I realized that perhaps I did have something. I had a natural talent that I never knew I possessed. So, I started pursuing photography by practicing more, and striving to become better.

Now, photography has become a hobby of mine. I don't claim to be a pro, but I definitely have dreams of maybe one day becoming one. When and if that day does come, I can safely say that I got my start on my living room floor taking pictures of baby B.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Top 3 Thursday - Hoarding

It's time for Top 3 Thursday, a new(er) blog carnival started up by Confessions of a Working Mom and The (Un)Experienced Mom. Each week, they pick a category for you to share your Top 3 thoughts on. It's lots of fun, so I hope you'll join in!

What Top 3 things should you have thrown away ages ago, but haven't?
hoard |hôrd| noun: a stock of valued objects

By looking at my house you wouldn't think that I was a hoarder, or that I had certain things in my house that I really don't need & should just get rid of. However, I have a confession to make...I am a closet hoarder....literally.

Let's take a look into B's closet...

3. I have more gift bags than I will ever use. There is no way that I could possibly buy that many birthday/baby shower/wedding gifts for any of the people I know, but I can never get rid of them! What happens if I need one? The way my luck seems to go, as soon as I threw them all away, I would get invited to 15 wedding showers, 10 baby showers, and a bunch of little kid birthday parties. I just can't take that chance! At least I do have them organized. Atop B's shelf in her closet, sits 3 large gift bags, all of them stuffed with neatly folded gift bags.

2. Stacked beside those three gift bags in B's closet, are about 15 baby wipe containers that I have been unable to trash. I don't know what I'll do with all of them, but I just can't bring myself to throwing them out. What if I need to store something in them? Maybe crayons, or those annoying little kids meal toys that B seems to accumulate. Although I already have crayons & annoying kids meal toys stored in a couple...I may need more! I laugh, because last weekend my MIL kept B, and she couldn't find any baby wipes. She went through every one of those containers trying to find just one wipe. *Mwahahahaha...*

1. Also in B's closet, I have stored countless numbers of B's newborn outfits that I just couldn't bring myself to throw away. I have her first pair of blue jeans, and they are absolutely the cutest things you have ever seen! I could never see myself carting them off to Goodwill! They should be framed or something! Then there's this little orange Gap hoodie that she never got to wear, because it was too big...but still too cute to get rid of! I just can't bring myself to throwing these things out. In fact, for every season of her life, I have pulled at least 3 of my favorite outfits from her clothes and stored them with the other clothes I have saved. I have a large box, filled with dozens of outfits, including every Thanksgiving & Christmas outfit that I have bought her.

I guess I am a hoarder, but a closet hoarder. I probably could do without the baby wipe containers, and gift bags...and probably even some of the outfits of B's that I have saved...but I just can't seem to bring myself up to throwing them out. The moment my closet hoarding moves out of the closet, I swear, I'll get rid of something. Until then, I will continue to neatly organize all of my hoarding in B's closet...until she kicks my hoarding out. Then I'll have to use my closet.

What are some things that you are hoarding?

Please head over to the Apple Juice & Milk fan page on Facebook, and become a fan! I'd love to have you! Click here to go there now :)

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pour Your Heart Out Wednesday II

Welcome back to the second edition of Pour Your Heart Out. Once again, I am linking up with Shell from Things I Can't Say. Feel free to join in!

Monday night, a senior in the high school that my baby brother attends, was killed in a car accident. Around 8 p.m, the driver of the car ran off of the road and hit a tree. The boy that was killed, was a passenger, not wearing a seat belt, and was therefore ejected from the car upon impact. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

He was 19 years old.

His life had not even started before it was ended.

How incredibly sad I am for his family, and his friends.

Accidents like this do not have to happen, but they do. Every. Single. Day.

He wasn't the first person to die in a car accident from this high school, and I know he won't be the last. I wonder how many of their friends have to die, before they realize that driving reckless can kill you and how important wearing that seat belt is?

My life was nearly taken from me four years ago in a car accident that was caused by a man who was not paying attention, and speeding. If things had been different that morning...if I had forgotten to put on my seat belt, or if I was sitting differently in my seat...things may have turned out not so good. My life could have ended when I was 18 years old. I thank God every day that it didn't.

I have a plea, to everyone who holds a drivers license and drives a vehicle; a plea to stop these senseless deaths.

Please, pay attention to what you are doing when you are driving. Pay attention to the road, your speed, the lane you are in. Don't answer the cell phone when it rings. Don't read that text message that comes in. Just drive. Be responsible. Automobiles are wonderful things, and I am thankful to not have to depend on a horse & carriage to get me from Point A to Point B, but automobiles can be dangerous if the people driving them are irresponsible.

So, in honor of this 19 year old male who's life was cut short too soon by reckless and irresponsible driving...let's all drive a little more responsibly. Stop being in such a hurry. Stop showing off your mad driving skills when you have a friend in the car. Stop being stupid...and just drive.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday!

Yes, I've traded in the Random Tuesday Thoughts, for Post It Note Tuesday! I was super jealous of how cute Shell's page looks on Tuesdays :) I'm linking up with Supah Mommy, so join in if you'd like!

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Minute & a Weekend Re-Cap

Let me start off this nasty, dreary Monday by linking up with Ian for the Monday Minute! The Monday Minute is when Ian thinks up a bunch of random questions, and when I say random...they're pretty random, and then we the people answer them. Feel free to join in! Just head over to Ian's place, copy the questions, link up and have fun!

Monday Minute

1. Do you feel like I do?
I don't think I feel much like Ian. After all, he is a man and I am a woman.

2. Is it appropriate to answer a question with a question?
Not sure if it's appropriate or not, but I do know that sometimes it's just necessary.

3. What's wrong with people?
They're stupid, greedy, and stupid.

4. What's one redeeming quality about pickles
Good question...maybe you should ask the pickle.

5. If you won the lottery, how much money would you give to your favorite
Well, I'll be the first to admit that I don't like to share. I might even have a hard time sharing with P &, you'd be lucky if you got any. know, it's not impossible.

Alright, now for my weekend re-cap....

We had half of a beautiful weekend. Friday and Saturday both were bright and sunny, with temperatures reaching the mid to upper 70's. I was in heaven. We took B to our park downtown, which is beautiful this time of year, so that I could take her Spring portraits. I wish B had been a little more cooperative with me for the picture taking part, but I was able to get a few good shots. You can see those here. Please let me know what you think about those :) I was a little disappointed in the number of good shots that I got, but I guess it's okay. You can't really make a 2 year old do anything, so the good ones I did get were mostly candid. Never try a posed picture with a 2 year old. They don't like it.

Saturday night P and I finally got to go see Alice in Wonderland. I LOVED it! I really had no complaints about it, except I would have changed the ending. If I had been Alice, I would have stayed in Wonderland and married the Mad Hatter. But maybe that's just because I think Johnny Depp is sexy, no matter who he plays :) Honestly though, great movie. I would definitely recommend it!

Yesterday, the clouds came out, the temperatures dropped and it rained...hard. Today isn't much different. The clouds are still out, no sun...and it's supposed to rain a little later on. Oh well, I'm not going to complain because it could be snow...

How was your weekend?

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Gonna Get Toned...

Last night, I caved.

I don't know what got into me.

Maybe it was P's constant nagging of how much he wanted to do P90x.

Maybe it was because I had felt fat and puffy all week long, and I was desperate to do something about this stubborn belly of mine.

I logged onto Ebay.

And I searched for P90x

I found a great deal, and I clicked buy.

Next week P90x should arrive at my doorstep, and I must say that I am pretty excited.

I know it won't be easy, but I want to do this for several reasons:
1. For myself...all my life I've just wanted to look 'good'. Not skinny...just toned. I hope that this exercise program will do it for me.
2. I want people to be encouraged to get into shape when they see my results. Being healthy is so important.
3. One of P's co-workers said that I wouldn't be able to do it. If you know me, you should know that you can't tell me that I can't do something, because I will. And I will do it over and beyond.

So, I should get this little miracle worker next week and plan on starting it the second week of April. Why the second week of April? Because the first week of April will be the week that my brother graduates Boot Camp, and I'll be distracted. I figure it will be best, when I can start with a clean plate! Don't worry, P90x isn't about losing weight to me. It's about toning up and getting healthier. Come the second week of June...I'll be rocking out my bathing suits with a whole new body! How incredibly excited am I?!

And you better bet, I'll blog my progress.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Idiot Drivers...

Today, I'm linking up with Foursons for Letter of Intent Friday. I had a terrible case of road rage yesterday, and am taking today to write all of the idiot drivers I encountered.


Dear Idiot Drivers of the South,

Yesterday afternoon I set out to visit my 83 year old Grandmother, just as I do each and every Thursday. Since our move last Summer, the seemingly short drive to her house (20 minutes), has now turned into a much longer one (35 minutes). I have to face traffic, every Thursday, bad traffic that YOU have created. It doesn't have to be bad. YOU make it bad.

For instance, speed limits. You CAN go 5 miles over the speed limit. You WILL NOT get pulled over. You DON'T have to keep your speedometer between the speed limit and fives miles under. It's pointless, it gets on my nerves and you WILL cause accidents that way.

Next, just take your stupid foot off of the brake! It is not necessary to tap it every few seconds. How are the cars behind you supposed to know when you are seriously braking, if you are constantly tapping the brakes? I mean really, do you want to get hit?

When you make a turn, you DO NOT have to take a whole 100 seconds to get into the turning lane. Just a quick swift of the wheel, and you're there! It doesn't require a lot of brakes, especially if there is no one in the turning lane you are getting into. I almost hit the corner of your back bumper yesterday for this very reason, and no...I would not have stopped. I would have kept going, because all I wanted to do was get over into the middle lane and you wouldn't drive any faster to allow me to do that. You. Stupid. Idiot.

Also, the traffic lights do eventually change from red to green, and it is in your best interest to pay attention. I will lay down on my horn. Don't try me. You made me sit through two different traffic lights yesterday, while you barely made it through them, because you weren't paying attention when the other dozen cars around you started moving. I was NOT happy about this. I may have even let a cuss word slip, at that last traffic light you left me sitting through.

And last, but not least, STAY IN YOUR LANE! How hard is that? I mean really. There are lines in the road for a reason. Those are lane markers! They mark the difference between MY lane and YOUR lane. Get off the cell phone, quit texting, stop changing the radio station, and just freaking DRIVE

Never in my life have I ever been as stressed out as I was yesterday when I finally got home from visiting my Grandmother. You Idiot drivers literally caused me instance after instance in the traffic, and by the time I got off my exit...I was suffering from chest pains. I mean really; there is absolutely no reason at all to drive the way you drive. You are NOT the only drivers on the road, and I demand to know the name of the officer who granted you a drivers license. Evidently, he/she was as big as an idiot as you are. GET OFF THE ROAD!

With Hate,

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Top 3 Thursday - Quirks

My first post at Our Mommyhood is up today, so go check it out and leave some feedback! And if you haven't already, check out some of the other amazing bloggers writing for Our Mommyhood too. If you are visiting from Our Mommyhood and have never been to my blog before, welcome and please feel free to join in on all of the fun! I love new people :)

Okay, onto Top 3 Thursday, a new(er) blog carnival started up by Confessions of a Working Mom and The (Un)Experienced Mom. Each week, they pick a category for you to share your Top 3 thoughts on. It's lots of fun, so I hope you'll join in!

My Top 3 Quirks:

quirk |kwərk| noun - a peculiar behavioral habit

1. I absolutely cannot stand for there to be dishes in the kitchen sink. I am somehow able to work it out so that even when the dishwasher is running, there are no dirty dishes in the sink, waiting to go in next. I still don't know where I got this from, because growing up, there were always dishes in the sink. I feel like my house is 10x cleaner when there are no dishes crowding the kitchen sink.

2. I have the clothes in my closet organized by season, beginning with Summer. From there they are organized by t-shirts, tank tops, cardigans, quarter length sleeves tees, long sleeved tees, sweaters, vests, hoodies, and jackets. I'm not sure if this is a strange habit, but I have seen my Mothers closet...and it looks nothing like mine. She even has shirts hanging on their hangers inside out! Oh the horror!

3. I get fully dressed, even if I'm just running outside to the car. I'm talking, make up, hair done, coordinated outfit and everything. Why? My Grandmother always did the same thing. She put on her nicest house gown to walk to the mailbox, and if she was just running up the road to grab a bite to eat through the drive thru, she would be a dressed to a tee. This attribute gets on Paul's nerves a little I think. Sometimes he just wants to hop in the car and go for a ride, and of course, I have to change clothes.

What are some of your quirks?

Want to play along? Then click here or here, grab the Top 3 button, link up, and play along on your blog!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pour Your Heart Out Wednesday

I know that I have already done a Wordless Wednesday for the day, but I was attracted to this brand spankin' new blog carnival that Shell from Things I Can't Say has started up. Pour Your Heart Out is where you pick a topic, any topic, and express your honest feelings/opinions about it. I think it's nice to have one day dedicated to seriously express yourself about a certain topic that you feel strongly about. So, if you want...just pick up the button below, and join in on the new Pour Your Heart Out blog carnival!

Today, Shell was talking about a post she had written a week or so ago, when her husband was in a pretty bad car accident. Thank God he was okay, but she was reminded of quickly things can change and how much she loved him. She shared with everyone about how their marriage had not always been perfect, and was surprised to find how most people had the same experience with their marriage. It made me think about my own marriage.

When Paul and I got married, I am almost willing to bet that there were people putting down money on how long we would last. Some probably said 6 months, others a year. I don't know any of this for a fact, but I do know how people think. Consider the circumstances we got married in. I was pregnant, and had only dated Paul for six months. Let's face it, statistics don't even give us much of a chance, much less judgmental people. I'm a little sensitive to this fact.

Most of the time, I feel like I need to act like my marriage is perfect. If I even hint that Paul and I have been fighting a little, or that something about Paul drives me crazy...I feel like people will start betting more money on how much longer until we file the papers. I don't think that this is true for everyone I know, but I have acquaintances that I know would love to see me and my marriage fail.

My marriage isn't perfect. There have been times when I just think that there is no way we are going to make it; that maybe statistics are right. There have been times when Paul has gotten on my nerves so bad, I don't know how I could even sit in the same room with him. There have been times when he has made me so angry, hurt me so bad...that I have no idea why we even got married. But those are just times; they're not constant thoughts or feelings. No one has a perfect marriage, and people who aren't married, shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on other people's marriage. Unless you are married, there is no possible way that you can express an opinion on a topic like marriage, without having experienced it. That would be like me having an opinion on what deep fried bull testicles taste like - I don't know, I've never had them.

So, today...I'm pouring my heart out. I want to let everyone know that my marriage isn't perfect, but I have never been more in love with anyone else in my life than I am with Paul. We're young, we're stupid, we have terrible tempers, but at the same time we love each other and care for each other keep working on our marriage. We have a beautiful, two year old daughter, who is the center of our world and we work together to make her the happiest little girl this world will ever see. We have grown up quiet a bit in the three small years that we have been married. I have found myself maturing in the way I handle things and say things, and he's picked up on all of the suttle hints I drop when I need a little bit of help. To me, the most important thing for me to remember, is to not forget the man I fell in love with. He's still there, he's just covered in a few new layers.

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Wordless Wednesday: Fifteen

Oh how I envy this picture, and how young I looked. I didn't have little tiny wrinkles under my eyes, or gray in my hair. To be 15 again...

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This Commercial Makes Me Giggle

I'm a sucker for commercials with catchy tunes. Yes, I'm one of those who actually enjoys commercials...well...most of them. Anyway, this one makes me giggle every time:

Give me back that filet o fish
Give me that fish
Give me back that filet o fish
Give me that fish
What if it were you
Hanging up on this wall?
If it were you in that sandwich
You wouldn’t be laughing at all!

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts

It's time for Random Tuesday Thoughts, and as I have said before...I refuse to use the little ugly purple button that everyone else uses. It just doesn't go with my color scheme :) Don't hate.

Guess what?! After a year of procrastinating, I finally made that OBGYN appointment. I feel accomplished. Of course, I don't go for another I have a few weeks before I start getting nervous. Oh how I hate Doctor visits.

24 days from today, my brother will be a United States Marine. Forgive my counting down, but I have had a countdown on my phone since the day he left for boot camp. It's true. I remember when the countdown used to say 89 days. and now we're almost in the teens!

My name is Samantha, and I am a Desperate Housewives addict.

Unlike most kids, Bree is a pretty good little kid (most of the time) whenever we go grocery shopping. Betcha you'll never guess what her favorite aisle in the grocery store is? The cookie aisle!

My house smells like Summer. It's such a nice smell.

Our A/C went out last night, so we had to open the window in our room. I woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping, and a soar throat. Not good. Let's hope the A/C gets fixed soon though. Once when I was about 13 or 14 years old, our A/C went out in the middle of the Summer, and it took nearly a week before we got it fixed. We went outside in the 80 degree weather to get relief from the inside heat. Sometimes I think it's better to be freezing to death, although, you're generally not saying that when you're freezing to death.

I took the word verification off of my comments to make everyone happy, and then got bombarded with all sorts of random comments that didn't hardly make any sense. Tempted to put it back on, but instead I moderated the comments so that no anonymous users could live me any comments. If that doesn't work, I'm putting the word verification back on.

I feel like today should be Wednesday. I hate when I have weeks like that; I'm always one day ahead and it doesn't make the week go by any faster.

On groceries yesterday, I took what would have been 100 dollars in groceries, and only paid 50 for them. I plan on getting everything back out of the cabinet that I bought yesterday, taking a picture, and letting you all see. Hubby was pissed when he opened the trunk to get the groceries out. He was all like, "HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND?!" and I was all like, "Fifty bucks!" and then he was all like, "You lie". I showed him the receipt, he hit the floor. Yes ladies & gentlemen, I am the coupon master!

How is your Random Tuesday going?
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Growing Up on Classics

Image and video hosting by TinyPicI didn't know it at the time, but I was extremely fortunate to have a Daddy who introduced me to a variety of music when I was a child. In the car, we listened to every genre of music from Christian to Country to Celtic to Classic Rock. At home, you could always hear artists like Elvis coming from the record player, and bands like KC & the Sunshine Band blaring from the stereo (not at the same time of course). Music was a major part of my family, my childhood, and now my adulthood.

When I began dating Paul, I was shocked to find out that he didn't know much about the older (classic), rock bands. He was pretty savvy with more current bands, and singers, but when it came to artist like Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers(my favorite band ever)...he didn't have a clue. Paul's dad tortured him & his siblings with talk radio and whiney country music, while they were growing up. At 19 years old, Hubby knew nothing of the classics. I mean, I kind of felt sorry for him. He had no idea what all he was missing out on!

Now that I have a child of my own, I haven't hesitated to share with her all of the different types of music. We keep her current with the music of today (she prefers Lady Gaga & Taylor Swift), but I also play some Boston, or Joe Walsh for her too. She particularly enjoys the song "Roll Another Joint" by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the harmonica, and not the actual lyrics of the song. At least, I hope so.

I really enjoy all genres of music, but perhaps the two I listen to the most are Indie/Folk & the Classic Rock artists. If I were to show you the playlist on my would find no patterns. Just a bunch of random music, by a bunch of random artists.

Nevertheless, I have always been pretty proud of how knowledgeable I am of music that was created a couple of decades before I was even born. Most of my favorite artists don't include the ones who are popular today, and some of them are even dead! Every time I hear one of those amazing classic rock songs, I smile and drift backwards into a wonderful memory of my childhood. I hope that by showing Bree these songs now, they will have the same affect on her when she gets my age.

What type of music did you grow up on, and what is your favorite genre(s) now as an adult?

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